Creating a K8s Web UI Dashboard

The resources available in this folder enable to create a dashboard (locally available on port 8001) for testing purpose.

The following lines are the commands to run to create it:

// create dashboard and add an admin user:
kubectl apply -f

// to access the dashboard it is needed a secret token
kubectl -n kube-system get secret
kubectl -n kube-system describe secret *token* // default generally called default-token-*****

kubectl proxy

More information on

It is also included an example of graphql query for the webjive application. The graphQl Engine is available in the following path of the integration web server: /gql/graphiql/


It is possible to install traefik in different ways:

# Install using tiller
helm install stable/traefik --name traefik0 --namespace kube-system --set

# or Install traefik controller manually (deprecated)
kubectl apply -f traefik-minikube.yaml

# Install using the Makefile
make traefik

Note that the external ip should be the internal ip of the machine.

Ingress controller commands

# The controller is in the kube-system namespace
kubectl get pods -n kube-system
kubectl logs -n kube-system *nginx-ingress-controller-name*
kubectl exec -it -n kube-system *nginx-ingress-controller-name* cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf